Dog Walking Service
Group Walks
Group walks start at $40.00 for a minimum 45 minute walk. To be honest, we are normally out longer than that. Walks vary dependant upon the weather, tides, and dogs in the group. We always try to go to different locations to give your dog new and varied experiences. We are lucky in East Auckland to have many places to walk and this is taken advantage of at every opportunity. The walk includes door to door collection and drop off service, which means your dog is generally out the house for around 2 to 3 hours. Each dog has its own record booklet called “Been there, Done that” where we record everything of significance on the walk from stool conditions to fun they had and of course any problems are noted. This, together with social media photos allows you to be a part of the walk.
During our walks we try to keep the arousal levels down, which helps keeps squabbles at bay. Your dog is matched to other dogs who will respect them and allow them to enjoy their walk the way they want to. Groups are kept small, 4 dogs, perhaps 5. We continually work on recall and settle/calm, periods of sniffing and treat finding. If the weather is against us and we get wet, each dog is wrapped up on the way home with a dry towel, so they don’t catch a chill. Some jackets are available dependent upon dog size. Dogs must have a decent recall, must be dog and people friendly and of course be fully vaccinated to join a group.
One on One Walk/City Slickers
One on one walks start at $50.00 for a minimum 45 minute walk. This service is for dogs who do not like to mingle or just need one on one attention. The walk includes door to door collection and drop off service. A booklet called “Been there, Done that” will keep a record off everything of significance on the walk from stool conditions to fun they had and of course any problems are noted. This, together with social media photos allows you to be a part of the walk.
Dogs can be walked on a long line, which gives them plenty of space but keeps them safely attached to me. I will find things in the environment to stretch your dogs mind, walking along walls, sniffing and finding, jumping up on logs, weaving through poles, jumping over and through all kinds of things we find along the way. These walks are confidence builders for your dog and can help them with concentration and trust. We will also go to local parks and the beach. Although this is not a training session we will be working on many different aspects of social skills and leash behaviour
Bush Walk
Bush walks are currently $65 for a doggy heaven of a walk. Your dog will be collected and dropped off at your door and can be out the house for a minimum of 4 hours. They are secured into the van for the drive out to Hunua, where they get to enjoy the scent, sound, and fresh scrub of a most wonderful privately owned 24 acre bush. Every single dog who has ever been here, loves it because they can be a real dog. Ducking into streams for a drink and cool down, sniffing out rabbit and possum droppings, chase cones, dig to their hearts content and run around hunting bears and dragons.
Don’t forget to exercise their grey matter also
A good thing to remember when exercising and tiring your dog, is, that like us, the more we exercise the more energy we gain. Again like us, when dogs use their brains, they find this very tiring. Using their grey matter is a very important part of life for a dog, as it is with us. Sniffing for a dog is like reading for a human, gaining information and stories from the surrounding area, breaking down codes and learning about the world. Do not under estimate what sniffing and taking time to view the world does for your dog. Remember that not all dogs want to be social butterflies …. some are nerds, who only want to read and solve puzzles, so why not indulge them.